Watercolor Everywhere

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Plants Vs. Zombies Watercolors: Nate

For context on these paintings, please refer to my previous post on the Patrice painting I did in this pair. This will be a faster run-through of the process since a lot of this was covered in the last post. Step 1: Roughs The roughs for this illustration took two passes, but I didn’t scan […]

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Plants Vs Zombies Watercolors: Patrice

One of the perks of my job coloring Plants Vs. Zombies is that I get comp copies of each book I color.  I always make sure to send a copy to a pair of brothers my partner nannies, Silas and Leo.  They’ve really been enjoying the books.  After giving them a copy of Plants Vs. […]

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The Pickler

  The last in my set of watercolor paintings themed on pickles.  New subject matter and horizons to explore soon.

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Our Most Blessed of Vegetables

 Three more yet to come, but I’m starting off this set with some fermented transcendence. 

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Cherno Alpha

My friend, Rhiannon R.S. had her birthday recently so I made her a watercolor of her favorite team from Pacific Rim.  I wish there was more Cherno Alpha in that movie…

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Pickles Of The Past

   More pickle paintings for you to ponder upon.

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Pickle Paintings For Your Perusal

  Yep. More of these weird pickle watercolor paintings.  It’s just something I’m going to be doing for a little while.  I’m not entirely sure why it appeals to me, but this side project is really fun!

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  My friend Nikki had their birthday recently.  I had found out recently that Nikki was really into Promethea, a comic book by Alan Moore that really influenced me after college.  It’s pretty much Alan Moore’s entire philosophy and inspirations compiled into 5 books, it’s weird, it’s fascinating, and incredibly new-agey but it was a […]

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Plants Vs. Zombies Vs. Street Fighter

This was a gift to my friend, Ron Chan, for his birthday.  We both worked on Plants Vs Zombies: Lawnmeggeddon (Ron: Pencils and Inks, Me: Colors) and are both big fans of that game as well as Street Fighter (I’m a particularly big fan of SF3), so it seemed natural to bring the two together. […]

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