Crazy Dave

Since those last two PvZ watercolors I posted about were so enjoyable I decided that I was going to do one more, just for the fun of it!  This time it’s Crazy Dave! Once again, I’m going to run you through my process, albeit faster, since this painting didn’t give me any detours or backtracks that I feel worth mentioning or would be informative into a watercolor painting process.

Step 1: Roughs

Crazy Dave Pencils

One of the few things I’ve drawn late at night, recently.  I haven’t been much of a night-owl artist the last couple of years, partially because I don’t want to get caught up in a late-night work cycle as life demands more day time responsibilities (not that that’s stopped me from sleeping in) for myself.  I originally thought I would do a picture of Crazy Dave reclining on a hammock sustained by two tall nuts, but recanted on that idea because I’d already drawn tall-nuts in a previous illustration.

Step 2: Inks (Skipping Pencils)


The only reason we’re skipping pencils is because I forgot to scan them in.  I just ran straight into inking after I transferred the idea onto watercolor paper.  Some changes took place. I added a mushroom to the right of Crazy Dave to better balance the composition.  When I drew this onto watercolor paper, I didn’t really center Dave, so it looked awkward.  The best fix: add more stuff! Also added one of those trippy shrooms on top of his sauce pan.

Step 3:  Watercolor!


This step was pretty much a breeze (mediating a house-cat crisis, notwithstanding) and I didn’t have any mishaps to report on.  Lots of fun, and I’m happy with the outcome.  Don’t really know what to do with it, though… I’m sure it’ll make a great birthday gift for somebody in the future.